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How Healthy is Home Health Care?

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Cost and Availability of Home Health Care Aides in

Ontario County, New York

In December, 2021, I personally called the 28 different Home Care Agencies that hold themselves out as providing Home Health Aides for Ontario County, as listed on the New York State Department of Health website.

I asked each agency three questions:

1) Do you serve Ontario County?

2) Could you staff a midnight to 10AM shift, 7 days/week?

3) What is your hourly Home Health Care Aide rate?

Of the 28 agencies I rang, 3 did not answer their phone at all;

Another 3 did not return my voicemail message asking them to call me.

That means I actually spoke with a human at 22 of the 28 agencies that hold themselves out as providing Home Health Care Aides to Ontario County.

Here is a summary of my findings, based upon the 22 agencies that actually responded to my inquiry:

1) While every agency told me they served Ontario County, only one of them had an active case in that county, right now;

2) Only one other agency actually had aides available to work a 10-hour shift, 7 days/week in Ontario County, right now.

3) The cost of care at the 1 agency that could commit to a 10-hour, overnight shift was $33/hour, extrapolating to $330/shift or a total of $9900/month ($118,800/year).

These results are real, as compiled on 20 December, 2021.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate in contacting me.

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